raisin® – Participant Centre Online Help raisin® – Participant Centre Online Help
E-mail Centre
The E-mail Centre ensures your campaign’s success through effective and efficient communication with your existing and potential Donors, Sponsors, and Teammates. A number of sample e-mails are available to use throughout each step of your campaign or you can create your own e-mail message using the Blank e-mail. Sending out e-mails through the E-mail centre, enables you to affectively monitor responses in the Follow-up section to stay on track of your campaign.

How do I?
•  Create and send an E-mail Message (from the E-mail Centre)?
•  Save an E-mail Message?
•   What is My Fundraising Badge?
•   Can I customize a pre-defined E-mail template?
•   Can I change the Organization’s Message that appears with my e-mail message?
•   Where will bounced-back/un-delivered e-mails be sent?
•   If I send someone a message, is it tracked?
•   When I click on Save E-mail, is the e-mail also sent at the same time?
•   Is it possible to save an e-mail to Your Custom E-mail list after you have sent it?
•   If I select a custom message from the Your Custom E-mail list and send it, does this custom message remain in Your Custom E-mail list for future use?
•   Can I change the sender of the e-mail within the E-mail Centre?